Europe retains polio-free status

The European Regional Certification Commission for Poliomyelitis Eradication (RCC) announced that Europe will retain its polio-free status after the importation of wild poliovirus type 1 in 2010. At their 25th meeting in Copenhagen, Denmark this week, the RCC “noted that wild poliovirus transmission has been interrupted. No new cases have been reported since September 2010 because countries have taken effective action.” Zsuzsanna Jakab, WHO Regional Director for Europe, commented, “The RCC decision is tremendous news for the Region and a credit to all the Member States and partners that individually, collectively and promptly combated the first and largest outbreak of poliomyelitis the Region has seen since it was declared polio free in 2002. I am also very pleased that the hard work and personal commitments of the presidents, prime ministers and health ministers have produced this success, which shows the importance and value of political commitment and joint action. The WHO Regional Office for Europe will continue to work with Member States so that Europe remains vigilant and the polio-free status of the Region is sustained”. In 2010, four countries, Kazakhstan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, reported 475 laboratory-confirmed cases of wild poliovirus type 1, with 30 deaths.,-but-constant-vigilance-is-needed

IOM Consensus Report: Adverse Effects of Vaccines

IOM Consensus Report: Adverse Effects of Vaccines: Evidence and Causality

Released: August 25, 2011
Board: Board on Population Health and Public Health Practice

Abstract: Immunizations are a cornerstone of the nation’s efforts to protect people from a host of infectious diseases. Though generally very rare or minor, there are side effects, or “adverse effects,” associated with some vaccines. Importantly, some adverse events following a vaccine may be due to coincidence and are not caused by the vaccine. To make this distinction, researchers use evidence to determine if adverse events following vaccination are causally linked to a specific vaccine; if so, these events are referred to as adverse effects. The Health Resources and Services Administration asked the IOM to review a list of adverse events associated with eight vaccines—varicella zoster, influenza (except 2009 H1N1), hepatitis B, HPV, MMR, hepatitis A, meningococcal, and those that contain tetanus—and evaluate the scientific evidence about the event–vaccine relationship. The IOM committee appointed to this task was not asked to assess the benefits or effectiveness of vaccines but only the risk of specific adverse events.

Using epidemiologic and mechanistic evidence, the committee developed 158 causality conclusions and assigned each relationship between a vaccine and an adverse health problem to one of four categories of causation:
– Evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship
– Evidence favors acceptance of a causal relationship
– Evidence favors rejection of a causal relationship
– Evidence is inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship

The committee finds that evidence convincingly supports a causal relationship between some vaccines and some adverse events—such as MMR, varicella zoster, influenza, hepatitis B, meningococcal, and tetanus-containing vaccines linked to anaphylaxis. Additionally, evidence favors rejection of five vaccine-adverse event relationships, including MMR vaccine and autism and inactivated influenza vaccine and asthma episodes. However, for the majority of cases (135 vaccine-adverse event pairs), the evidence was inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship. Overall, the committee concludes that few health problems are caused by or clearly associated with vaccines.

Supporting content:
– Graphic: Strength of Evidence that Determined the Causality Conclusions (PDF, HTML)

– Press Release (HTML)

– Report Brief (PDF, HTML)

– Table: Summary of Causality Conclusions (PDF)

Japan International Cooperation Agency and Gates Foundation announce polio partnership

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced “a strategic partnership to ensure continued progress in the fight against polio,” including “an innovative financing agreement to support the polio campaign in Pakistan.”  The financing agreement “represents a significant contribution towards the goal of eradication of polio in Pakistan. Based on the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s (GPEI) current cost estimates, this 4.9 billion JPY (approximately $65 million) ODA Loan(1) to the government of Pakistan will help ensure that polio eradication activities in Pakistan are financed through 2013.”

Bill Gates commented, “This partnership comes at a critical time for Pakistan and will help us achieve our shared goal of a polio-free world. Japan’s remarkable commitment will benefit generations of children in Pakistan and throughout the world.” The announcement noted that Japan’s ODA loan will provide the country with funds for oral polio vaccine, immunization workers, and vaccination activities across the country and along the Pakistan/Afghanistan border. It will also involve working in partnership with stakeholders such as the World Bank for co-financing as well as the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) for vaccine procurement and the World Health Organization (WHO) for service delivery of the polio campaign.

The loan is “underpinned by an innovative financing approach referred to as a “Loan Conversion” mechanism. According to this model, the Gates Foundation will repay the credit to JICA on behalf of the Pakistani government if the project is successfully implemented. The aim of this mechanism is to support the government of Pakistan’s commitment to polio eradication without imposing a financial burden.”–melinda-gates-foundation-announce-partnership-on-polio-eradication-127978458.html

HHS: US$137M to states “to strengthen the public health infrastructure”

The U.S. HHS department awarded US$137 million to states to “to strengthen the public health infrastructure and provide jobs in core areas of public health. Awarded in nearly every state, the grants enhance state, tribal, local and territorial efforts to provide tobacco cessation services, strengthen public health laboratory and immunization services, (and) prevent healthcare-associated infections…”   The awards include:

– US$1 million to further enhance the nations’ public health laboratories by hiring and preparing scientists for careers in public health laboratories, providing training for scientists, and supporting public health initiatives related to infectious disease research.

– More than US$42 million to support: improvements to the Immunization Information Systems (registries) and other immunization information technologies; development of systems to improve billing for immunization services; planning and implementation of adult immunization programs; enhancement of vaccination capacity located in schools; and evaluations of the impact on disease of recent vaccine recommendations for children and adolescents.

– US$2.6 million to the Emerging Infections Programs around the country to continue improvement in disease monitoring, professional development and training, information technology development, and laboratory capacity.

– US$9.2 million to eight national non-profit professional public health organizations to assist state, tribal, local, and territorial health departments in adopting effective practices that strengthen their core public health systems and service delivery. They will also enhance the workforce by providing jobs in critical disciplines of epidemiology and informatics, thus attracting new talent to public health.

A full list of grantees is available at:

Saudi Ministry of Health: requirements the Hajj and Umra season

    The Saudi Ministry of Health issued the entry visa requirements and other recommendations for the Hajj and Umra season in 2011, specifying health conditions for travelers to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj). The Saudi Ministry of Health “plays a critical role in the management of the annual Hajj pilgrimage which occurs over a five-day period during “Dhul-Hijjah,” the final month of the Islamic calendar and is the world’s largest annual mass gathering, attracting 2-3 million pilgrims every year.”

Highlights from the full guidelines [] include:

– Yellow Fever: All travelers arriving from countries or areas at risk of yellow fever must present a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate showing that the person was vaccinated at least 10 days previously and not more than 10 years before arrival at the border.

– Meningococcal Meningitis: Visitors arriving for the purpose of Umra or pilgrimage or for seasonal work are required to produce a certificate of vaccination with the quadrivalent (ACYW135) vaccine against meningitis issued not more than 3 years previously and not less than 10 days before arrival in to Saudi Arabia.

– Poliomyelitis: All travelers arriving from polio-endemic countries and re-established transmission countries should receive 1 dose of OPV.

– Seasonal Influenza: International pilgrims should be vaccinated against seasonal influenza before arrival into Saudi Arabia with WHO approved strains specific to the northern or southern hemispheres. In Saudi Arabia, seasonal influenza vaccine is recommended for internal pilgrims, particularly those with pre-existing health conditions, and all staff working in the Hajj premises.

– Health Education: Health authorities in countries of origin are required to provide information to pilgrims on infectious diseases symptoms, methods of transmission, complications, and means of prevention.

– International Outbreaks Responses: Updating immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases in all travelers is strongly recommended.

His Excellency Dr. Abdullah Al Rabeeah, Saudi Minister of Health, stated, “The Department of Preventive Medicine at the Ministry of Health develops and updates these guidelines every year in close coordination with the International Health Regulations Coordination Department at WHO. This is carried out after critical review of the global situation of endemic and emerging communicable diseases, to ensure the establishment of evidence based guidelines to protect and prevent disease transmission among pilgrims and the global community.”

Gates Foundation: Round 8 of Grand Challenges Explorations

   The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced Round 8 of its Grand Challenges Explorations, “a US$100 million grant initiative to encourage innovation in global health and development research.” The initiative “offers scientists, inventors, and entrepreneurs from around the world the opportunity to win $100,000 grants to pursue unconventional ideas that could transform health and agricultural development in the world’s poorest countries.” The topics in this round are:

– Protect Crop Plants from Biotic Stresses From Field to Market

– Explore Nutrition for Healthy Growth of Infants and Children

– Apply Synthetic Biology to Global Health Challenges

– Design New Approaches to Optimize Immunization Systems

– Explore New Solutions in Global Health Priority Areas

MMWR Weekly: 12, 19, 26 August 2011

The MMWR Weekly issues from the last several weeks include:

August 26, 2011 / Vol. 60 / No. 33
National and State Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescents Aged 13 Through 17 Years — United States, 2010

Prevention and Control of Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), 2011

Announcement: Clinical Vaccinology Course — November 4–6, 2011

August 19, 2011 / Vol. 60 / No. 32 / Pg. 1073 – 1116
Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Pregnant Women — United States, 2010–11 Influenza Season

Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Health-Care Personnel — United States, 2010–11 Influenza Season
Although influenza vaccination levels have improved over the past few years, vaccination coverage among health-care personnel (HCP) remains below our 2020 national health objectives. All HCP should be vaccinated annually for influenza, according to recommendations from the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee (HICPAC) and the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). In a national survey conducted in April 2011 of 1,931 HCP, influenza vaccination coverage among all HCP for the 2010-11 season was 63.5 percent, with coverage of 84 percent among physicians and 70 percent among nurses.  Near universal coverage was achieved among HCP who reported being subject to an employer requirement for vaccination.  In the absence of requirements, increased vaccination coverage was associated with vaccination being offered to HCP onsite free of charge for multiple days.  Influenza vaccination coverage among HCP is important for patient safety, and healthcare administrators should make vaccination readily accessible to all HCP as an important part of any comprehensive infection control program.

August 12, 2011 / Vol. 60 / No. 31 / Pg. 1045 – 1072
Progress Toward Poliomyelitis Eradication — Nigeria, January 2010–June 2011

Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER): 12, 18 August 2011

The Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) for 12 and 18 August 2011, include:

19 August 2011, vol. 86, 34 (pp 365–376)
– Outbreak news: Outbreak of illness in schools, Angola; West Nile virus infection in Europe
– Neglected zoonotic diseases: report from the third international conference, November 2010
– Yellow fever in the WHO African and American Regions, 2010

12 August 2011, vol. 86, 33 (pp 353–364)
– Third meeting of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative’s Independent Monitoring Board
– Progress towards eradicating poliomyelitis – Nigeria, January 2010–June 2011
– Monthly report on dracunculiasis cases, January–June 2011

Twitter Watch: 9 – 27 August 2011

Twitter Watch
A selection of items of interest [tracking to 19 August 2011] from a variety of twitter feeds. This capture is highly selective and by no means intended to be exhaustive.

PIH Partners In Health
New Report: Financing the Response to #AIDS in Low & Middle Income Countries via @unaids @KaiserFamFound

GAVIAlliance GAVI Alliance
Want to learn more about IFFIm? Check out our overview to learn more.

GAVISeth Seth Berkley
A reminder of why vaccination campaigns in refugee camps are critically important:  #vaccines @UNICEF

Now online! CDC recommends seasonal #flu #shot for people with egg #allergy

Happy birthday to Dr. Sabin! developer of oral #polio #vaccine that made prospect of #eradication possible.

PublicHealth APHA
Vaccination rates among teens are up overall, but growth lags on HPV vaccine, says CDC research:

wellcometrust Wellcome Trust
Immunising at birth is safe and effective against severe pneumococcal disease

Eurovaccine ECDC Eurovaccine
‘Vaccinations : 20 objections and responses’ from Germany’s Robert Koch Institute & Paul-Ehrlich-Institute

gatesfoundation Gates Foundation
Congratulations to #Europe: @UN hails the #EU for fighting outbreaks to remain free of #polio:

MalariaVaccine PATH MVI
New Vision article discusses the need for the Ugandan government to prepare for a malaria vaccine:

PATH CEO Chris Elias on @ModernizeAid blog: Budget cuts threaten lives abroad and the economy at home.

GAVISeth Seth Berkley
Robert Steinglass of @JSIhealth interviewed on how to improve #vaccine delivery #coldchain: via @gplushealth

GAVIAlliance GAVI Alliance
“The dispassionate economic case for vaccination looks at least as strong as the compassionate medical one” The Economist

sabinvaccine Sabin Vaccine Inst.
Today on Sabin’s blog: Immunization Financing in Latin America…

unpublications UN Publications
On World Humanitarian Day UN pays tribute to aid workers around globe. Learn more about the campaign here:

Comment: “Irrelevant” WHO outpaced by younger rivals

British Medical Journal
13 August 2011 Volume 343, Issue 7819

 Irrelevant” WHO outpaced by younger rivals
Nigel Hawkes, freelance journalist

The World Health Organization’s critics accuse it of being bogged down in red tape and internal politics. However, attempts at reform are raising concerns over conflicts of interest. Nigel Hawkes reports

For as long as many can remember, the World Health Organization has been facing a crisis. From decade to decade, the nature of that crisis might change, but it never quite goes away.

Despite its past accomplishments, WHO fits increasingly uneasily into a world with a growing number of international players who seem fleeter of foot and deeper of pocket. Set up as an agency to provide advice to governments at a time when government health departments were the prime movers in health policy and delivery, it seems passé beside such upstarts as the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria, the GAVI Alliance (formerly known as the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), and private philanthropies such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Setting the agenda of global health?
The existence of such organisations is a reproach to WHO, whose bureaucracy and politicisation have been increasingly bypassed by governments in the interests of getting something done. Jack C Chow, a former assistant director general of WHO, claimed last year that the organisation was becoming irrelevant. 1 It was outmoded, underfunded, and overly politicised, he said. “WHO is no longer setting the agenda of global health; it’s struggling to keep up.” His theme was echoed this year by Barry R Bloom, professor of public health at Harvard, who pointed out that of WHO’s budget of $3.9bn (£2.4bn; €2.7bn) in 2008-9, less than $1bn came from member states’ mandatory contributions. 2 The rest were earmarked funds provided by countries or foundations for specific projects, indicating a lack of confidence in WHO’s ability to set the right priorities if left to itself…

Globally mobile populations and infectious disease outbreaks

Clinical Infectious Diseases
Volume 53 Issue 5 September 1, 2011

Crossing Borders: One World, Global Health
Clive M. Brown, Martin S. Cetron, Section Editors
An editorial feature on globally mobile populations and infectious disease outbreaks, written by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine

An End to the Era of the US HIV Entry Ban
(Kent Taylor and Stacy Howard)—

In 1991 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection was added to the list of diseases that bar entry to the United States (US) for non-US citizens as a requirement stipulated by congressional statute. Under the Immigration and Nationality Act, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) has the authority to establish requirements for the medical examination of immigrants and refugees that determine admission into the United States. These requirements are promulgated in Title 42, Part 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), which includes specific, serious contagious illnesses, known as a communicable disease of public health significance. Almost 20 years after the inclusion of HIV on this list of diseases, this action has been reversed. The reversal was made possible by ending the statutory ban imposed by Congress in 1987.

In 2004, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UN/AIDS) and the International Organization for Migration issued a statement on HIV/AIDS-related travel restrictions. This statement provided guidance to governments in addressing the public health, economic, and human rights concerns involved in HIV-related travel restrictions. As more information became available about HIV transmission, which cannot take place through casual contact, combined with the reality of globalization, this entry ban became increasingly contradictory to US policies supporting civil liberties. In addition, the ban was detrimental in the fight against HIV/AIDS. After a thorough medical and epidemiologic review of HIV transmission, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) made a policy decision that an entry ban for HIV infection was not a viable control strategy for HIV.

CDC initiated the first step in removing HIV infection as an inadmissible condition by …

[Full Text of this Article]

Fully Heterotypic G9P[4] Rotavirus Strain in Mexico

Journal of Infectious Diseases
Volume 204 Issue 5 September 1, 2011

Catherine Yen, Jesùs Reyna Figueroa, Edgar Sánchez Uribe, Luz del Carmen-Hernández, Jacqueline E. Tate, Umesh D. Parashar, Manish M. Patel, and Vesta Richardson López-Collado

Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine Provides Protection Against an Emerging Fully Heterotypic G9P[4] Rotavirus Strain in Mexico
J Infect Dis. (2011) 204(5): 783-786 doi:10.1093/infdis/jir390

After the introduction of monovalent rotavirus vaccine (RV1) in Mexico in 2006–2007, diarrhea mortality and morbidity declined substantially among Mexican children under 5 years of age. In January 2010, surveillance identified the emergence of a novel G9P[4] rotavirus strain nationwide. We conducted a case-control study to assess the field effectiveness of RV1 against severe rotavirus gastroenteritis caused by this unusual strain and to determine whether the G9P[4] emergence was related to vaccine failure or failure to vaccinate. RV1 was 94% effective (95% confidence interval, 16%–100%) against G9P[4] rotavirus–related hospitalization, indicating that its emergence was likely unrelated to vaccine pressure.

Editorial: Treatment as prevention for HIV

The Lancet Infectious Disease
Sep 2011  Volume 11  Number 9  p651 – 720

Treatment as prevention for HIV
The Lancet Infectious Diseases

June 5, 2011, was the 30th anniversary of the first reports of five patients with an immune disorder in the US Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention publication Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. In the past three decades, HIV/AIDS has become a global pandemic that has defined an age and has affected almost every group of people irrespective of socioeconomic background, race, geography, or personal history, killing more than 33 million people worldwide. Leaps and bounds made in our understanding of HIV and its progression to AIDS and how the virus and syndrome spread and develop have led to great progress in the ability to manage the disease, reflected by a 20% fall in annual incidence in the past 10 years.

Rotavirus Vaccination in Mexico

New England Journal of Medicine
August 25, 2011  Vol. 365 No. 8

Childhood Diarrhea Deaths after Rotavirus Vaccination in Mexico
N Engl J Med 2011; 365:772-773
August 25, 2011

“…The sustained reduction in the rate of death from diarrhea for three seasons after the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine, with reductions progressively extending to other age groups as they become age-eligible for vaccination, provides evidence that some mortality reduction is likely attributable to vaccination. The cumulative reduction of some 2640 childhood deaths since the vaccination program was initiated in Mexico highlights the lifesaving promise of rotavirus vaccines and supports the WHO recommendation for immunization of all children worldwide against rotavirus.”

Editorial: Antiretroviral Treatment as Prevention

New England Journal of Medicine
August 11, 2011  Vol. 365 No. 6

Antiretroviral Treatment as Prevention
S.M. Hammer

“…Antiretroviral therapy is by no means perfect and is not the ultimate answer to controlling and ending the HIV epidemic. Adverse events, emergence of drug-resistant viral strains, maintenance of adherence, sustainability, and cost are just some of the concerns. However, this is precisely the wrong time to limit access to antiretroviral therapy in resource-limited settings, since we have the tools in hand to maintain or restore health in infected persons and reduce transmission to their sexual partners.

Aggressive programs to diagnose and treat HIV infection as part of a comprehensive care package and multiple approaches to the prevention of transmission that have been tested in well-designed clinical trials have the potential to preserve health and control the epidemic until a safe and effective HIV vaccine is a reality.”

Economic Evaluation: Cervical Cancer in Thailand

September 1, 2011 – Volume 29 – Issue 9  pp: 731-821

Original Research Articles
Economic Evaluation of Policy Options for Prevention and Control of Cervical Cancer in Thailand
Praditsitthikorn, Naiyana; Teerawattananon, Yot; Tantivess, Sripen; Limwattananon, Supon; Riewpaiboon, Arthorn; Chichareon, Saibua; Ieumwananonthachai, Nantakan; Tangcharoensathien, Viroj
Pharmacoeconomics. 29(9):781-806, September 1, 2011.
doi: 10.2165/11586560-000000000-00000

Background: The Thai healthcare setting has seen patients with cervical cancer experience an increasing burden of morbidity and mortality, a stagnation in the performance of cervical screening programmes and the introduction of a vaccine for the prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection.

Objective: This study aims to identify the optimum mix of interventions that are cost effective, from societal and healthcare provider perspectives, for the prevention and control of cervical cancer.

Methods: A computer-based Markov model of the natural history of cervical cancer was used to simulate an age-stratified cohort of women in Thailand. The strategy comparators, including both control and prevention programmes, were (i) conventional cytology screening (Pap smears); (ii) screening by visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA); and (iii) HPV-16, -18 vaccination. Input parameters (e.g. age-specific incidence of HPV infection, progression and regression of the infection, test performance of screening methods and efficacy of vaccine) were synthesized from a systematic review and meta-analysis. Costs (year 2007 values) and outcomes were evaluated separately, and compared for each combination. The screening strategies were started from the age of 30–40 years and repeated at 5- and 10-year intervals. In addition, HPV vaccines were introduced at age 15–60 years.

Results: All of the screening strategies showed certain benefits due to a decreased number of women developing cervical cancer versus ‘no intervention’. Moreover, the most cost-effective strategy from the societal perspective was the combination of VIA and sequential Pap smear (i.e. VIA every 5 years for women aged 30–45 years, followed by Pap smear every 5 years for women aged 50–60 years). This strategy was dominant, with a QALY gain of 0.01 and a total cost saving of Baht (Bt)800, compared with doing nothing. From the societal perspective, universal HPV vaccination for girls aged 15 years without screening resulted in a QALY gain of 0.06 at an additional cost of Bt8800, based on the cost of Bt15 000 for a full immunization schedule. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio, comparing HPV vaccinations for girls aged 15 years with the current national policy of Pap smears for women aged 35–60 years every 5 years, was approximately Bt181 000 per QALY gained. This figure was relatively high for the Thai setting.

Conclusions: The results suggest that controlling cervical cancer by increasing the numbers of women accepting the VIA and Pap smear screening as routine and by improving the performance of the existing screening programmes is the most cost-effective policy option in Thailand.

Assessing Google Flu Trends Performance

PLoS One
[Accessed 27 August 2011];jsessionid=577FD8B9E1F322DAA533C413369CD6F3.ambra01?field=date

Assessing Google Flu Trends Performance in the United States during the 2009 Influenza Virus A (H1N1) Pandemic
Samantha Cook, Corrie Conrad, Ashley L. Fowlkes, Matthew H. Mohebbi and effectiveness of seasonal vaccination. Euro Surveill PLoS ONE: Research Article, published 19 Aug 2011 10.1371/journal.pone.0023610

Google Flu Trends (GFT) uses anonymized, aggregated internet search activity to provide near-real time estimates of influenza activity. GFT estimates have shown a strong correlation with official influenza surveillance data. The 2009 influenza virus A (H1N1) pandemic [pH1N1] provided the first opportunity to evaluate GFT during a non-seasonal influenza outbreak. In September 2009, an updated United States GFT model was developed using data from the beginning of pH1N1.

Methodology/Principal Findings
We evaluated the accuracy of each U.S. GFT model by comparing weekly estimates of ILI (influenza-like illness) activity with the U.S. Outpatient Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet). For each GFT model we calculated the correlation and RMSE (root mean square error) between model estimates and ILINet for four time periods: pre-H1N1, Summer H1N1, Winter H1N1, and H1N1 overall (Mar 2009–Dec 2009). We also compared the number of queries, query volume, and types of queries (e.g., influenza symptoms, influenza complications) in each model. Both models’ estimates were highly correlated with ILINet pre-H1N1 and over the entire surveillance period, although the original model underestimated the magnitude of ILI activity during pH1N1. The updated model was more correlated with ILINet than the original model during Summer H1N1 (r = 0.95 and 0.29, respectively). The updated model included more search query terms than the original model, with more queries directly related to influenza infection, whereas the original model contained more queries related to influenza complications.

Internet search behavior changed during pH1N1, particularly in the categories “influenza complications” and “term for influenza.” The complications associated with pH1N1, the fact that pH1N1 began in the summer rather than winter, and changes in health-seeking behavior each may have played a part. Both GFT models performed well prior to and during pH1N1, although the updated model performed better during pH1N1, especially during the summer months.

Predictive Mapping: Human Risk for West Nile Virus (WNV)

PLoS One
[Accessed 27 August 2011];jsessionid=577FD8B9E1F322DAA533C413369CD6F3.ambra01?field=date

Predictive Mapping of Human Risk for West Nile Virus (WNV) Based on Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors
Ilia Rochlin, David Turbow, Frank Gomez, Dominick V. Ninivaggi, Scott R. Campbell vaccine, vector surveillance and control are the most PLoS ONE: Research Article, published 10 Aug 2011 10.1371/journal.pone.0023280

A West Nile virus (WNV) human risk map was developed for Suffolk County, New York utilizing a case-control approach to explore the association between the risk of vector-borne WNV and habitat, landscape, virus activity, and socioeconomic variables derived from publically available datasets. Results of logistic regression modeling for the time period between 2000 and 2004 revealed that higher proportion of population with college education, increased habitat fragmentation, and proximity to WNV positive mosquito pools were strongly associated with WNV human risk. Similar to previous investigations from north-central US, this study identified middle class suburban neighborhoods as the areas with the highest WNV human risk. These results contrast with similar studies from the southern and western US, where the highest WNV risk was associated with low income areas. This discrepancy may be due to regional differences in vector ecology, urban environment, or human behavior. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analytical tools were used to integrate the risk factors in the 2000–2004 logistic regression model generating WNV human risk map. In 2005–2010, 41 out of 46 (89%) of WNV human cases occurred either inside of (30 cases) or in close proximity (11 cases) to the WNV high risk areas predicted by the 2000–2004 model. The novel approach employed by this study may be implemented by other municipal, local, or state public health agencies to improve geographic risk estimates for vector-borne diseases based on a small number of acute human cases.

Health Policy and Systems Research

PLoS Medicine
(Accessed 27 August 2011)

Building the Field of Health Policy and Systems Research: Social Science Matters

Lucy Gilson, Kara Hanson, Kabir Sheikh, Irene Akua Agyepong, Freddie Ssengooba, Sara Bennett Policy Forum, published 23 Aug 2011

Summary Points
All researchers hold a knowledge paradigm that frames their understanding of reality and of the functions and nature of research. Some disciplines are dominated by a particular paradigm and some are spread across paradigms.

The criticisms that Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR) is too context specific, does not offer clear lessons for policy makers, and is not rigorous are partly a reflection of differences in knowledge paradigms between those with predominantly clinical, biomedical, and epidemiological backgrounds, underpinned by a positivist paradigm, and those with social science backgrounds underpinned by a relativist paradigm.

Health policies and systems are complex social and political phenomena, constructed by human action rather than naturally occurring. Relativist social science perspectives are, therefore, of particular relevance to HPSR as they recognise that all phenomena are in essence constructed through human behaviour and interpretation.

Social science insights that can advance the science of HPSR include approaches to generalising from rich understanding of context; supporting policy learning; and enhancing research rigour and quality.

PLoS Medicine Series on HPSR
Following the First Global Symposium on Health Systems Research in Montreux in November 2010, PLoS Medicine commissioned three articles on the state-of-the-art in Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR). Three Policy Forum articles, authored by a diverse group of global health academics, critically examine the current challenges to the field and lay out what is needed to build capacity in HPSR and support local policy development and health systems strengthening, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

– Paper 1. Kabir Sheikh and colleagues. Building the Field of Health Policy and Systems Research: Framing the Questions.

– Paper 2. Lucy Gilson and colleagues. Building the Field of Health Policy and Systems Research: Social Science Matters.

– Paper 3. Sara Bennett and colleagues. Building the Field of Health Policy and Systems Research: An Agenda for Action.

Merck and Serum Institute of India announce PCV accord

   Merck and Serum Institute of India announced an agreement “to work together to develop and commercialize a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) for use in the emerging and developing world countries.” Merck and Serum said they will form a Product Advisory Committee to oversee the activities required to develop and seek approval for PCV and pursue World Health Organization (WHO) prequalification. Under the terms of the agreement, Merck, through an affiliate, will receive specific rights to market PCV in certain designated territories and Serum will receive specific rights in other territories. Both companies will contribute to the development and manufacture of PCV. Merck and Serum noted that the specific financial details of this agreement are confidential, and that the collaboration “does not impact the on-going vaccine development programs in both the organizations.”

Cyrus Poonawalla, CMD, Chairman, Serum Institute, commented, “Serum Institute is committed to improving access to and affordability of vaccines for children throughout the world. In working closely with Merck in the development of this collaboration it became clear that we share parallel public health goals and that our passion for getting vaccines to everyone who needs them is made even stronger by working together.” Julie L. Gerberding, president, Merck Vaccines, said, “Working side by side with Serum gives us the best chance of developing and bringing a product to the market that will help to protect more babies and children. Expanding vaccine access to emerging and developing markets is a top priority and we feel strongly that this collaboration will be a giant step toward impacting the devastation of pneumococcal disease.”

IVI and Inviragen announce MOU on dengue vaccine

The International Vaccine Institute (IVI) and Inviragen, Inc. announced the signing of a memorandum of understanding “with the ultimate objective of making a dengue vaccine widely accessible to people in countries where this disease is endemic.” The IVI, through the Dengue Vaccine Initiative (DVI), “is developing strategies to raise awareness of the need to invest in research and development of a dengue vaccine, and to finance the development and distribution of vaccines, goals which will be furthered through this collaboration with Inviragen.” As part of the collaboration, IVI and Inviragen “also aim to strengthen the regulatory and policy environments to accelerate dengue vaccine development and introduction, and to raise funding to assist low- and middle-income countries with procuring available vaccine candidates.”  The announcement noted that “no specific treatment or reliable prevention method exists for the infection whose reach, already endemic in more than 120 countries, continues to grow. A safe, effective and affordable dengue vaccine would represent a powerful tool against this major public health threat, which is the world’s most important vector borne viral disease.”  Earlier this year, IVI announced the launch of the DVI, in collaboration with the Sabin Vaccine Institute, the Johns Hopkins University, and the World Health Organization. The DVI “aims to increase the global priority given to dengue vaccines through evidence-based research to inform policy.”

Measles Initiative: one billion children vaccinated, 60 developing countries since 2001

   The Measles Initiative announced that it “has helped vaccinate one billion children in more than 60 developing countries since 2001, making significant gains in the global effort to stop measles,” noting that the child who received the history-making measles vaccination was one of 3.5 million immunized in Mozambique this May. The immunization campaign was sponsored by the Measles Initiative’s five founding partners – the American Red Cross, United Nations Foundation, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), UNICEF, and World Health Organization (WHO).

The announcement noted that since 2009, widespread outbreaks affecting 30 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia, have resulted in more than 320,000 new measles cases and more than 2,400 measles-related deaths. In the past year, several European nations have faced their worst measles outbreaks in more than 10 years, with more than 30 000 estimated cases across the region. The U.S. is also experiencing its largest measles outbreak since 1996, with more than 150 reported cases, the announcement said. “The steady march toward a measles-free world is now facing a setback,” said Dr Brent Burkholder, director of the CDC’s global immunization division. “Outbreaks in Africa, a high number of deaths in India and global funding gaps threaten the gains made in the last ten years and will hinder efforts to eradicate measles and achieve MDG4.”

Twitter Watch to 8 August 2011

Twitter Watch
A selection of items of interest this week from a variety of twitter feeds. This capture is highly selective and by no means intended to be exhaustive.

pahowho PAHO/WHO
Costa Rica Hosts Regional Consultation on Social Determinants of Health

gatesfoundation Gates Foundation
RT @gatespolio “Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.” Jonas Salk, #polio vaccine developer

EndPolioNow EndPolioNow
Famine in #HornofAfrica makes children more susceptible polio. RI polio partner, #UNICEF, increases immunizations.

GAVIAlliance GAVI Alliance
Milestone: The #Measles Initiative has helped vaccinate 1 billion children in 60+ countries since ’01! h/t @UNFoundation

gatesfoundation Gates Foundation
Progress & Partnerships | Our 2010 Annual Report:

GAVISeth Seth Berkley
Excited to be heading to Geneva tonight to start as CEO of GAVI. Such an exciting time in vaccines with so much to do!

Medic Medic Mobile
by MalariaVaccine
Breakthrough: New #malaria vaccine found to be safe, well tolerated in Tanzanian children #globalhealth #hcsm

Tuberculosis in the UK

British Medical Journal
6 August 2011 Volume 343, Issue 7818

Editor’s Choice
Don’t forget tuberculosis
Fiona Godlee, editor, BMJ

Not so long ago tuberculosis was seen as an “old” disease, one that had been conquered in large parts of the world and might even be eliminated. No longer. HIV/AIDS, poverty, travel, and migration have seen tuberculosis re-emerge as a global pandemic. It now affects a third of the world’s population, and although there is optimism about reaching the millennium development goal target—that global incidence should be falling by 2015, no country or region has elimination realistically in its sights.

Tuberculosis in the UK—time to regain control
Ibrahim Abubakar, Marc Lipman, Charlotte Anderson, Peter Davies, Alimuddin Zumla
BMJ 2011;343:doi:10.1136/bmj.d4281 (Published 31 July 2011)

Advance Market Commitment For Pneumococcal Vaccines

Health Affairs
August 2011; Volume 30, Issue 8
New Perspectives On Substance Abuse

Global Health Financing
Economic Perspectives On The Advance Market Commitment For Pneumococcal Vaccines
Christopher M. Snyder, Wills Begor, and Ernst R. Berndt
Health Aff August 2011 30:1508-1517; doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2011.0403

Pharmaceutical companies have long been reluctant to invest in producing new vaccines for the developing world because they have little prospect of earning an attractive return. One way to stimulate such investment is the use of an advance market commitment, an innovative financing program that guarantees manufacturers a long-term market. Under this arrangement, international donors pay a premium for initial doses sold to developing countries. In exchange, companies agree to continue supplying the vaccine over the longer term at more sustainable prices. This article provides a preliminary economic analysis of a pilot advance market commitment program for pneumococcal vaccines, explaining the principles behind the program’s design and assessing its early performance. Spurred by the advance market commitment—and other contemporaneous initiatives that also increased resources to vaccine suppliers—new, second-generation pneumococcal vaccines have experienced a much more rapid rollout in developing countries than older first-generation vaccines.

Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds and Appropriate Drug Prices

Health Affairs
August 2011; Volume 30, Issue 8
New Perspectives On Substance Abuse

Global Pharmaceutical Pricing
Setting Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds As A Means To Achieve Appropriate Drug Prices In Rich And Poor Countries
Patricia M. Danzon, Adrian Towse, and Andrew W. Mulcahy
Health Aff August 2011 30:1529-1538; doi:10.1377/hlthaff.2010.0902

Finding better mechanisms to enable differential pricing that reflects different degrees of willingness to pay across countries with different income levels is an important challenge for drug manufacturers and policy makers. Drug prices must be high enough to meet manufacturers’ needs—covering costs and ensuring adequate investment in research and development, as well as producing a profit—but low enough to allow consumers access to medicines that they need. Examining drug pricing, we found that in rich countries, insurance coverage can make consumers insensitive to price, which means that manufacturers’ prices are largely unrestrained unless payers intervene. In middle- and low-income countries, where most consumers pay for drugs out of pocket, we found that the poorest countries face the highest prices, relative to their mean per capita income. We recommend that countries and payers set their own cost-effectiveness thresholds to reflect how much they are willing to pay for “health gain”—in other words, for a measured improvement in the health of a person or a population. Adopting this approach broadly should lead to appropriate price differences across and within countries, benefiting consumers and manufacturers alike.

Meningococcal disease prevention

Human Vaccines
Volume 7, Issue 8    August 2011

Meningococcal disease: The advances and challenges of meningococcal disease prevention
Ram Yogev and Tina Tan

Vaccination as a means to prevent meningococcal disease caused by Neisseria meningitidis is critical given the abrupt onset and rapid progression of this disease. Five serogroups-A, B, C, W-135, and Y-are responsible for the majority of cases. In developed countries, infants have the greatest risk of disease, with a smaller secondary peak observed in late adolescence. Vaccines utilizing the polysaccharide capsule are poorly immunogenic in young children but can reduce the incidence of meningococcal carriage in high risk groups. In contrast, protein conjugate vaccines to polysaccharide capsules A, C, W-135, and Y have broadened the population protection from disease but their effect on meningococcal carriage and transmission is yet unknown except for monovalent meningococcal C conjugate that has been shown to reduce carriage. Challenges remain in providing direct protection to infants and protection against meningococcal B disease. To date, outer membrane vesicle vaccines have been used to control meningococcal B disease in epidemic settings and vaccine candidates against subcapsular antigens are in development, but a vaccine that confers long-lasting protection is unavailable.

2009 H1N1 school-located influenza vaccination programs

Human Vaccines
Volume 7, Issue 8    August 2011

Factors associated with increased vaccination in 2009 H1N1 school-located influenza vaccination programs
Open Access Article
Christopher S. Ambrose and Frangiscos Sifakis

In the United States, school-located influenza vaccination (SLIV) programs have increased significantly in recent years. In June 2010, the Office of Inspector General issued a report regarding 38 elementary school H1N1 SLIV programs conducted in 6 localities in November/December 2009. By locality, there was a mean of 14 to 46 first doses of vaccine administered per 100 students. The locality that conducted programs in early November had a higher uptake rate than localities with later programs (46 vs 21 per 100 students; P<.01). Among localities with programs in mid- to late-November, the locality with programs after school hours had a lower uptake rate than the two localities with programs during school hours (16 vs 28, P=.05, and 16 vs 30, P<.01, respectively). These data suggest that future SLIV programs may achieve higher uptake rates if conducted during school hours with advance parental consent and when parental demand is highest.

Commentary: Varicella in India’s national immunization schedule

Human Vaccines
Volume 7, Issue 8    August 2011

Should Chickenpox vaccine be included in the National immunization schedule in India?
Ramesh Verma, Mohan Bairwa, Suraj Chawla, Shankar Prinja and Meena Rajput

Varicella (chickenpox) is an acute, highly contagious viral disease with worldwide distribution. The highest prevalence occurs in the 4 – 10 year age group but tends to be more severe in adults. It may be fatal in neonates, immunocompromised persons, and normal adults, especially smokers. Varicella is usually a benign childhood disease, and rarely rated as an important public health problem, but this can be severe and even fatal in otherwise healthy children (<1 out of every 10,000 cases). Chickenpox can cause pneumonia (23 out of every 10,000 cases), and is an important risk factor for developing severe invasive “strep” (group A streptococcal disease). Complications of varicella include bacterial infections (up to 5% of cases), decreased platelets, arthritis, hepatitis, pneumonia (more commonly in adults) or encephalitis (1 in 10,000 cases), which may cause a failure of muscular coordination, sometimes resulting in persistent sequelae or death. Varicella is the leading cause of vaccine-preventable death in children. Universal vaccination can cause a dramatic reduction in the incidence of varicella, associated complications, hospitalizations and fatality rates. In India, due to the high cost of the vaccine, it would be difficult to vaccinate a large percentage of the children. The government of India should consider the inclusion of varicella vaccine in the National Immunization Schedule with the help of International agencies.

Commentary: New-generation typhoid vaccines

Human Vaccines
Volume 7, Issue 8    August 2011

New generation typhoid vaccines: An effective preventive strategy to control typhoid fever in developing countries
Ramesh Verma, Mohan Bairwa, Suraj Chawla, Shankar Prinja and Meena Rajput

Typhoid fever is a serious systemic infection, caused by the enteric pathogen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi, a highly virulent and invasive enteric bacterium. This disease occurs in all parts of world where water supplies and sanitation are substandard. These pathogens then travel to food, drinks and water through house-flies and other vectors. Globally, an estimated 12 – 33 million cases of enteric fever occur with 216,000 – 600,000 deaths per year, almost exclusively in the developing countries. Health surveys conducted by the Health Ministry of India in the community development areas indicated a morbidity rate varying from 102-2219/100,000 population in different parts of the country. A limited study in an urban slum showed 1% of children up to 17 years of age suffer from typhoid fever annually. The continued high burden of typhoid fever and the alarming spread of antibiotic resistant strains led the World Health Organization (WHO), almost ten years ago, to recommend immunization using the two new-generation vaccines in school- aged children in areas where typhoid fever posed a significant problem and where antibiotic resistant strains were prevalent. Morbidity and mortality due to high incidence of typhoid fever favors the introduction of typhoid vaccine in routine immunization in India. This vaccine should be given at the age of 2 years with Vi antigen vaccine and at least one more dose be given at 5 years of age.

Super-spreaders in infectious diseases

International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Volume 15, Issue 8 pp. e509-e582 (August 2011)

Super-spreaders in infectious diseases
Pages e510-e513
Richard A. Stein

Early studies that explored host–pathogen interactions assumed that infected individuals within a population have equal chances of transmitting the infection to others. Subsequently, in what became known as the 20/80 rule, a small percentage of individuals within any population was observed to control most transmission events. This empirical rule was shown to govern inter-individual transmission dynamics for many pathogens in several species, and individuals who infect disproportionately more secondary contacts, as compared to most others, became known as super-spreaders. Studies conducted in the wake of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) pandemic revealed that, in the absence of super-spreading events, most individuals infect few, if any, secondary contacts. The analysis of SARS transmission, and reports from other outbreaks, unveil a complex scenario in which super-spreading events are shaped by multiple factors, including co-infection with another pathogen, immune suppression, changes in airflow dynamics, delayed hospital admission, misdiagnosis, and inter-hospital transfers. Predicting and identifying super-spreaders open significant medical and public health challenges, and represent important facets of infectious disease management and pandemic preparedness plans.

Comment: Future of epidemiology

The Lancet  
Aug 06, 2011  Volume 378  Number 9790  p457 – 540

What is the future of epidemiology?
Raj Bhopal, Gary J Macfarlane, William Cairns Smith, Robert West, on behalf of the Management Executive Committee for the XIX World Congress of Epidemiology

Epidemiology is thriving. The striking features of contemporary epidemiology are diversity, change, and global reach: from society to the molecule, responding to technical advances and changing patterns of disease. The two main challenges are: translating epidemiology into evidence, practice, and ultimately better health; and strengthening epidemiology research capacity, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries.

Is immunisation child protection?

The Lancet  
Aug 06, 2011  Volume 378  Number 9790  p457 – 540



Is immunisation child protection?
Adam Finn, Julian Savulesc

The Lancet’s Series entitled new decade of vaccines shows the great opportunities for, and many challenges that face, successful development and implementation of vaccines in the coming decades. The Series emphasises recent advances in biomedical sciences, particularly molecular microbiology, immunology, and genetics. But the biggest hurdle to realisation of this potential could instead relate to failure of parental acceptance of safe and effective vaccination.

Mathematical models: evaluation of health programmes

The Lancet  
Aug 06, 2011  Volume 378  Number 9790  p457 – 540

Mathematical models in the evaluation of health programmes
Geoffrey P Garnett, Simon Cousens, Timothy B Hallett, Richard Steketee, Neff Walker

Modelling is valuable in the planning and evaluation of interventions, especially when a controlled trial is ethically or logistically impossible. Models are often used to calculate the expected course of events in the absence of more formal assessments. They are also used to derive estimates of rare or future events from recorded intermediate points. When developing models, decisions are needed about the appropriate level of complexity to be represented and about model structure and assumptions.

Developing the Nation’s Biosimilars Program (U.S.)

New England Journal of Medicine
August 4, 2011  Vol. 365 No. 5

Developing the Nation’s Biosimilars Program
S. Kozlowski, J. Woodcock, K. Midthun, and R. Behrman Sherman
Free full text

Biologic products developed over the past three decades and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now provide important therapeutic options for a variety of serious clinical conditions (see graph Numbers of FDA-Approved Biologic Products of Various Types Available for Treating or Preventing Various Conditions.). Therapeutic biologics such as genetically engineered recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies represent a large portion of newly approved therapies for conditions such as chronic inflammatory diseases and cancer. Biologic enzyme-replacement therapies provide clinical benefits in previously untreatable genetic disorders. Although typically more structurally complex than the small-molecule drugs more prevalent in today’s market, biologics vary in complexity from cellular therapies to small, highly purified proteins. Unfortunately, access to such products may be limited, not infrequently because of their cost….

Near Elimination of Varicella Deaths in the US

August 2011, VOLUME 128 / ISSUE 2

Near Elimination of Varicella Deaths in the US After Implementation of the Vaccination Program
Mona Marin, John X. Zhang, and Jane F. Seward
Pediatrics 2011; 128:214-220

OBJECTIVE: Varicella has been preventable by vaccination in the United States since 1995. Previous studies reported a 66% decline in mortality rate during the first 6 years of the program. Since then, vaccination coverage has increased substantially. We updated the analysis of US varicella mortality for 2002–2007 and assessed the impact of the first 12 years of the US varicella vaccination program on varicella deaths.

METHODS: National data on deaths for which varicella was listed as an underlying or contributing cause were obtained from the Mortality Multiple Cause-of-Death records from the US National Center for Health Statistics. We calculated the age-adjusted and age-specific mortality rates for 2002–2007 and trends since the prevaccine years.

RESULTS: During the 12 years of the mostly 1-dose US varicella vaccination program, the annual average mortality rate for varicella listed as the underlying cause declined 88%, from 0.41 per million population in 1990–1994 to 0.05 per million population in 2005–2007. The decline occurred in all age groups, and there was an extremely high reduction among children and adolescents younger than 20 years (97%) and among subjects younger than 50 years overall (96%). In the last 6 years analyzed (2002–2007), a total of 3 deaths per age range were reported among children aged 1 to 4 and 5 to 9 years, compared with an annual average of 13 and 16 deaths, respectively, during the prevaccine years.

CONCLUSIONS: The impressive decline in varicella deaths can be directly attributed to successful implementation of the 1-dose vaccination program. With the current 2-dose program, there is potential that these most severe outcomes of a vaccine-preventable disease could be eliminated.

Effectiveness of Pentavalent Rotavirus Vaccine: U.S.

August 2011, VOLUME 128 / ISSUE 2

Effectiveness of Pentavalent Rotavirus Vaccine Against Severe Disease
Mary Allen Staat, Daniel C. Payne, Stephanie Donauer, Geoffrey A. Weinberg, Kathryn M. Edwards, Peter G. Szilagyi, Marie R. Griffin, Caroline B. Hall, Aaron T. Curns, Jon R. Gentsch, Shelia Salisbury, Gerry Fairbrother, Umesh D. Parashar, and the New Vaccine Surveillance Network (NVSN)
Pediatrics 2011; 128:e267-e275

OBJECTIVE: To determine the vaccine effectiveness (VE) of complete and partial vaccination with the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine (RV5) in the prevention of rotavirus acute gastroenteritis (AGE) hospitalizations and emergency department visits during the first 3 rotavirus seasons after vaccine introduction.

METHODS: Active, prospective population-based surveillance for AGE and acute respiratory infection (ARIs) in inpatient and emergency department settings provided subjects for a case-control evaluation of VE in 3 US counties from January 2006 through June 2009. Children with laboratory-confirmed rotavirus AGE (cases) were matched according to date of birth and onset of illness to 2 sets of controls: children with rotavirus-negative AGE and children with ARI. The main outcome measure was VE with complete (3 doses) or partial (1 or 2 doses) RV5 vaccination.

RESULTS: Of age-eligible children enrolled, 18% of cases, 54% of AGE controls, and 54% of ARI controls received ≥1 dose of RV5. The VE of RV5 for 1, 2, and 3 doses against all rotavirus genotypes with the use of rotavirus-negative AGE controls was 74% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 37%–90%), 88% (95% CI: 66%–96%), and 87% (95% CI: 71%–94%), respectively, and with the use of ARI controls was 73% (95% CI: 43%–88%), 88% (95% CI: 68%–95%), and 85% (95% CI: 72%–91%), respectively. The overall VE estimates were comparable during the first and second years of life and against AGE caused by different rotavirus strains.

CONCLUSION: RV5 was highly effective in preventing severe rotavirus disease, even after a partial series, with protection persisting throughout the second year of life.

Progress Towards a Hepatitis C Vaccine

Science Translational Medicine
3 August 2011 vol 3, issue 94

Hepatitis C Virus
Progress Toward Development of a Hepatitis C Vaccine with Broad Shoulders
Ranjit Ray

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection in humans can cause progressive and end-stage liver disease. As such, preventive measures against HCV, including vaccine development, are a priority among researchers in the field. The report from Garrone et al. describes the development of a vaccine platform to generate HCV-neutralizing antibodies that are based on retrovirus-derived virus-like particles (VLPs) pseudotyped with heterologous viral envelope proteins. Immunization with these VLPs induced neutralizing antibodies in mouse and macaque models. These results, when considered in the context of an earlier clinical trial that used recombinant HCV E1/E2 purified protein as a subunit vaccine and additional findings from the VLP strategy, may lead to a new HCV vaccine that induces a neutralizing antibody response.

Lay health workers and childhood immunisation

Tropical Medicine & International Health
September 2011  Volume 16, Issue 9  Pages 1043–1189

Child Health
Can lay health workers increase the uptake of childhood immunisation? Systematic review and typology (pages 1044–1053)
Claire Glenton, Inger B. Scheel, Simon Lewin and George H. Swingler
Article first published online: 28 JUN 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02813.x
Free full-text

Objectives Lay health workers (LHWs) are used in many settings to increase immunisation uptake among children. However, little is known about the effectiveness of these interventions. The objective of this review was to assess the effects of LHW interventions on childhood immunisation uptake.

Methods We searched Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, British Nursing Index and Archive, AMED, POPLINE and WHOLIS, reference lists of included papers and relevant reviews, and contacted the authors of relevant papers. We selected randomised and non-randomised controlled trials, controlled before–after studies, and interrupted time series of any intervention delivered by LHWs and designed to increase childhood immunisation uptake. Two authors independently extracted data using a standard form and assessed risk of bias and evidence quality.

Findings We identified twelve studies, ten of which were randomised controlled trials. Seven studies were conducted among economically disadvantaged populations in high-income countries. Five studies were from low- and middle-income countries. In ten studies, LHWs promoted childhood immunisation. In two studies, LHWs vaccinated children themselves. In most of the studies, the control group populations received no intervention or standard care. Most of the studies showed that LHWs increased immunisation coverage. However, study settings were diverse, allowing us to carry out only one meta-analysis including four studies.

Conclusion LHWs could make an important contribution to achieving the Millennium Development Goal for child health. However, more high-quality studies are needed, particularly from LMICs. More studies are also needed to assess the effects of using LHWs to vaccinate children themselves.

Rotavirus vaccination impact in Brazil

Tropical Medicine & International Health
September 2011  Volume 16, Issue 9  Pages 1043–1189

Child Health
Impact of rotavirus vaccination on diarrhoea mortality and hospital admissions in Brazil (pages 1180–1184)
Ricardo Q. Gurgel, Chinenye Ilozue, Jailson B. Correia, Chiara Centenari, Sandala M. T. Oliveira and Luis E. Cuevas
Article first published online: 12 JUL 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02844.x

Objective To analyse the data reported by the national surveillance system of Brazil, including data on diarrhoea mortality and hospital admissions before and after rotavirus vaccine introduction, and evaluate the impact of its widespread use under operational conditions.

Method Retrospective analysis of routinely collected data was reported by several surveillance systems of Brazil, comprising an 8-year period of all diarrhoea-related hospitalisations and deaths in children <5 years old (2002–2009). Linear regressions were used to compare trends of diarrhoea hospitalisations and deaths before and after vaccine introduction (2002–2005 vs. 2006–2009).

Results There was a long-term reduction in hospitalisations that preceded the introduction of the vaccine. This reduction was more marked in <1-year-old than in 1– to 4-year-old children. All-cause diarrhoea hospitalisations decreased further after vaccine introduction and the decrease was larger in <1-year-old (−35.6%) than in 1– to 4-year-old children (−12.3%). The number of deaths was decreasing before vaccine introduction, and the decrease also accelerated after vaccine introduction, with deaths halving in <1-year-old and decreasing by 32.9% in 1- to 4-year-old children. The linear relationships between hospitalisations and deaths were statistically different before and after vaccine introduction.

Conclusions The data demonstrate a decreasing trend in all-cause diarrhoea-related hospitalisations and deaths in children <5 years of age. These reductions were steeper between 2006 and 2009, highlighting the potential beneficial effect of the rotavirus vaccine associated with all-cause diarrhoeal disease.

Health policy: Political will for better health

Tropical Medicine & International Health
September 2011  Volume 16, Issue 9  Pages 1043–1189

Health policy
Political will for better health, a bottom-up process (pages 1185–1189)
Wim De Ceukelaire, Pol De Vos and Bart Criel
Article first published online: 24 JUN 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02817
Free full-text

Lately, different voices in the global public health community have drawn attention to the interaction between the State and civil society in the context of reducing health inequities. A rights-based approach empowers people not only to claim their rights but also to demand accountability from the State. Lessons from history show that economic growth does not automatically have positive implications for population health. It may even be disruptive in the absence of strong stewardship and regulation by national and local public health authorities. The field research in which we have been involved over the past 20 years in the Philippines, Palestine, Cuba, and Europe confirms that organized communities and people’s organizations can effectively pressure the state into action towards realizing the right to health. Class analysis, influencing power relations, and giving the State a central role have been identified as three key strategies of relevant social movements and NGOs. More interaction between academia and civil society organizations could contribute to enhance and safeguard the societal relevance of public health researches. Our own experience made us discover that social movements and public health researchers have a lot to learn from one another.

Vaccination campaign launched: Dadaab refugee camp, Northern Kenya.

UNICEF, the Kenya Ministry of Health and WHO launched a vaccination campaign for children living in the host communities around Dadaab refugee camp in Northern Kenya. The campaign will target 202,665 children under five, with measles and polio vaccines, together with Vitamin A and de-worming tablets. The action was described as part of a regional push to ensure all children in drought affected areas are vaccinated against a killer disease like measles which can be deadly for malnourished children, and be protected from polio.