Globalization and Health [Accessed 19 December 2015]

Globalization and Health
[Accessed 19 December 2015]

Short term global health experiences and local partnership models: a framework
Contemporary interest in in short-term experiences in global health (STEGH) has led to important questions of ethics, responsibility, and potential harms to receiving communities.
Lawrence C. Loh, William Cherniak, Bradley A. Dreifuss, Matthew M. Dacso, Henry C. Lin and Jessica Evert
Globalization and Health 2015 11:50
Published on: 18 December 2015


Towards a simple typology of international health partnerships
International health partnerships are one approach to capacity building in health systems. The evidence base for institutional partnerships for health service development remains weak…
Suzanne Edwards, Dan Ritman, Emily Burn, Natascha Dekkers and Paula Baraitser
Globalization and Health 2015 11:49
Published on: 15 December 2015