CDC/ACIP [to 28 April 2018]

CDC/ACIP [to 28 April 2018]

MMWR News Synopsis for April 26, 2018
Three Rotavirus Outbreaks in the Postvaccine Era — California, 2017
While rotavirus vaccination is the best way to reduce rotavirus disease in the United States, outbreaks may continue to occur as the vaccine does not confer full protection, especially against mild disease. Efforts to improve rotavirus vaccination coverage should continue. Rotavirus disease, a cause of severe diarrhea in young children, has substantially declined since the introduction of rotavirus vaccine in the United States in 2006. However, rotavirus disease still occurs in a winter-spring seasonal pattern. This study examined three rotavirus outbreaks in California in 2017. Most of the cases were associated with mild to moderate illness, although one fatality was reported in an unvaccinated child with underlying complications. Rotavirus outbreaks may continue to occur because the vaccine does not confer full protection, especially against mild disease. However, vaccination of eligible infants is the best way to reduce rotavirus disease.